This plan was launched at Hotel Great Morning Hakata based on support from Fukuoka City, with the aim of creating new value by responding to new lifestyles and potential needs.
The custom-made Kurume Kasuri futon cover is made by Nomura Orimono, which is celebrating its 125th anniversary. The futon cover is durable, cool in summer, and warm in winter, characteristics unique to cotton fabrics. At the hotel entrance, you will find a sofa made of luxurious Hakata-ori fabric, and staff members wear uniforms made of Kurume-gasuri. From the moment you step into the hotel, you will experience the sustainable appeal of traditional textiles that cannot be found in products produced through "mass production and mass consumption," which is now a global issue.

What is Kurume Kasuri?
Kurume Kasuri, a traditional cotton fabric from the Chikugo region. About 200 years ago, plain fabrics were the norm. It was created by the accidental discovery of a farmer's daughter. This technique is used to create a pattern with a gentle texture on the woven fabric. By dyeing the cotton threads first and then weaving them, subtle shifts occur, resulting in a unique blurred pattern. This is the main characteristic and charm of Kurume kasuri. It is also known as one of the three major kasuri fabrics in Japan along with Iyo-kasuri (Matsuyama City, Ehime Prefecture) and Bingo-kasuri (Fukuyama City, Hiroshima Prefecture), and is used for the happi coats of Hakata Yamakasa, a summer festival in Fukuoka. The hotel has adopted it for uniforms, pocket chiefs, and futon covers for limited-edition plans.

What is Hakataori?
Hakata textiles have a history of more than 770 years. It is said to have its roots in a weaving technique brought back by Hakata merchants from the Song Dynasty in China. In 1600, the first lord of the Chikuzen Fukuoka Domain selected Hakata-ori as a special fabric to be presented to the Shogunate. Even today, because of its history, the traditional pattern known as the "Dedication Pattern" is still used in various places in the city as the symbolic pattern of Hakata textiles, and by extension, the Hakata district. The hotel has adopted this pattern for its sofas, foot throws, and other furnishings.
■How to convey value because of lodging facilities
The existence of lodging facilities is used by visitors on their travels. Among them, bedding is probably the place where they spend the longest time to recover from fatigue. We would like to utilize the characteristics of such lodging facilities to let more people know about the fascinating culture of Kurume Kasuri and Hakata-ori fabrics of Fukuoka. This initiative was launched with this in mind.
This is not a transient plan, but an experience only possible in Fukuoka, with an eye toward the future when infectious diseases have ended. It has great potential as a form of hotel stay that we can be proud of to the world.
Reservation start date: February 14, 2022
Room rates: from 12,000 yen
How to make a reservation: (
Project Cooperating Organizations
Tourism Industry Division, Tourism and Convention Department, Fukuoka City Economic, Tourism and Cultural Affairs Bureau
Hirokawa-cho Tourist Association, Fukuoka, Japan
Nomura Orimono Co.
Hotel Great Morning Hakata